Why does google ads doesn’t record my conversions?

My Google ads conversion tracking is set up properly through Google tag manager. The actions are triggered but Google ads don’t record the conversion.

If you have set up Google Ads conversion tracking through Google Tag Manager and the actions are being triggered, but conversions are not being recorded in Google Ads, there could be several reasons for this issue. Here are some troubleshooting steps you can take:

  1. Check Tag Configuration:
    • Ensure that your tags in Google Tag Manager are configured correctly. Double-check the settings for your conversion tracking tag, such as the conversion ID and label.
    • Make sure the tag is set to fire on the appropriate pages where conversions occur.
  2. Verify Trigger Configuration:
    • Confirm that the triggers associated with your conversion tracking tag are configured accurately. The triggers determine when the tag should fire.
    • Test the triggers in preview mode to see if they fire as expected.
  3. Review Tag Firing:
    • Use Google Tag Manager’s preview mode to see if the conversion tracking tag is firing on the relevant pages. This will help you identify any issues with the firing conditions.
  4. Check for JavaScript Errors:
    • Look for JavaScript errors on your website that might be preventing the tag from firing correctly. Use browser developer tools to check for any errors in the console.
  5. Ensure Cross-Domain Tracking:
    • If your website spans multiple domains, make sure that cross-domain tracking is set up correctly in both Google Tag Manager and Google Ads. This is crucial for accurate conversion tracking across different domains.
  6. Check for Ad Blockers:
    • Some ad blockers can interfere with the firing of tracking tags. Ask users to disable ad blockers temporarily and see if that resolves the issue.
  7. Check Conversion Delay:
    • Google Ads has a conversion delay, which means there might be a delay between the time a conversion happens and when it is recorded in Google Ads. Check if the conversions eventually get recorded after some time.
  8. Verify Conversion Counting:
    • Confirm that your conversions are set up to count the way you intend. For example, check if you’re tracking all conversions or unique conversions.
  9. Review Conversion Settings in Google Ads:
    • Double-check the conversion settings in your Google Ads account, such as the attribution model and conversion window. Ensure that they align with your tracking requirements.
  10. Test in a Different Environment:
    • Test the conversion tracking in a different environment (e.g., a staging site) to rule out any issues specific to your production environment.

If, after going through these steps, you are still facing issues, you may want to reach out to Google Ads support for assistance. They can often provide specific insights into your account and help troubleshoot the problem.

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